What Parents are Saying - Feedback
“Great understanding of the pressures my child may be facing, how he may seek relief from pain, and how I can be aware and come alongside if destructive behaviors take over his life.”
“This is the beginning of the spread of a powerful, wonderful message, not just for folks in the middle of dangerous addiction, but even for the parent who does not fear this for their child.”
“This seminar was the best investment of time I have made recently, and I can recommend this session to other parents without hesitation.”
Feedback on “How to Protect Your Kids from Addictions” Seminar

• Highly recommend this to everyone–so much insight and great information regarding addiction and the heart journey for all those touched by addiction.
Feedback on "Proactive Parenting" Seminar

• Open and honest perspective with focus on the long-term goal of heart change and development of a Godly, grace-driven worldview.
• Loved everything – wish every couple could hear this. It was so practical at every stage.
• I appreciated your vulnerability and humility to share some of the deep, hard places your family has been and how God’s grace has met you throughout different stages of parenting.
• I really loved the personal testimony drawing from life examples and experiences – especially having two children who are so different and realizing the need for separate parenting styles.
• I learned that I am not perfect and there are so many tools to improve my teaching and examples to my kids.
• The encouragement that even though we are not perfect parents, we still have the capacity to raise good and Godly children.
• We really liked the way you explained things with clarity and real-life experience. Appreciate your efforts and thank you and God for making us part of this parenting seminar.
• It’s ok that we aren’t perfect. It was great to be reminded of just how God parents us.
• This seminar touches on all aspects of parenting and living life to the fullest as a family. The wisdom and insight given encourages parents to study their children and develop and execute a plan!
• It’s so good to learn from a man so willing to be honest and open about the struggles parents can face. The focus is on the children, but I love how he also looked at the parents too.
• Very encouraging to hear practical tips to move myself and, as a result, my kids toward the Gospel from someone who has experienced the struggle himself. Practical but not prescriptive. Well worth the time.
• While not prescriptive, this seminar provided practical ways to get to know and develop a plan for guiding our children. I was encouraged to embrace my calling as a parent, while simultaneously feeling freed from perfection. This gives me increased excitement as I move forward and watch for the ways God is at move in and through our family.